Laboratory with CAD-CAM Technology | Centro Dental Querétaro

Laboratory with CAD-CAM Technology

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  • Laboratory with CAD-CAM Technology

Cutting edge dental technology

CAD technology (Computer-aided design) - CAM (computer-aided design manufacturing) is a system that allows the design and manufacture of dental prostheses by computer.
Thanks to this digital technology, dental pieces of the most precise way and of the highest quality, since the fidelity and accuracy with the that are created are without comparison. The error rate is almost non-existent and it entails significant savings for both the patient and the laboratory.


  • Mayor rapidez en su fabricación al ser robotizada y simplificar los pasos en laboratorio.
  • Mayor estética dental debido a los materiales usados.
  • Alta precisión en la adaptación a los dientes, garantizando así su larga duración.
  • Permite una mayor planificación de la intervención ya que ofrece una guía exacta y precisa de dónde va colocado cada implante.